Adel Ben-Harhara is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). He holds a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) and an undergraduate degree in information technology. Over the past thirty years, he has worked in multiple industries including technology, health care, engineering, oil and gas, and international aid. He has also taught management courses at a local college.

A proud father of two daughters, Adel has run thirty marathons (six of Marathon Majors) and as an avid hiker, he has conquered countless mountain peaks worldwide including Mount Kilimanjaro. Read more about the author under ABOUT section.

My Why

My purpose in writing my memoir is first and foremost to share my life story in hopes that it will entertain, motivate, and inspire others. But my intention extends much farther. I want to raise awareness and provoke deeper thought and personal growth within readers (as the world continues to embrace multiculturalism) but also within myself. 

In addition, I will be donating the proceeds of these books to orphanages in both Yemen and Ethiopia as a way of paying back to humanity and supporting children who are faced with growing up without parental love and guidance, as I was.  

Launched in may 2022

To Have Nothing, volume one of a three-part memoir delves into the voyage of a boy — Adel Ben-Harhara — who was separated from his mother as a toddler and was essentially orphaned at the age of five when his father died. With his mother’s inability to provide support, the boy was homeless, often left on the streets between the ages of eight and eleven. How did he survive?

Launched in august 2022

Hope in the Sky, volume two of Adel Ben-Harhara’s three-volume memoir, speaks about millions of Yemen’s Muwalladin (foreign-born Yemenis) struggling for equal rights and citizenship. He was one young man who spent a dozen years in Yemen, where he suffered from prejudice, discrimination, and the effects of civil war.

Launched in july 2024

My Silver Lining, volume three of a three-volume memoir, is a window into the hurdles that settlers face and the support they get from those who welcome immigrants to their new chosen homelands. Peer through this window by reading the story of a young man who navigated from Ethiopia and Yemen to the US and Canada to establish his identity and purpose.